Monday, 14 March 2011

Barbara Kruger & Mercantillism

1. Describe the 'style' that Kruger has used in the two presented works.
1st image :

according to (Lilith Gallery, n.d.),

"During the early 1980s Barbara Kruger perfected a signature agitprop style, using cropped, large-scale, black-and-white photographic images juxtaposed with raucous, pithy, and often ironic aphorisms, printed in Futura Bold typeface against black, white, or deep red text bars. The inclusion of personal pronouns in works like Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face) (1981) and Untitled (I Shop Therefore I Am) (1987) implicates viewers by confounding any clear notion of who is speaking." (para. 8)

Her work shows the agitprop style in this art work, which has a sense of evilness, and it is often used in political arts these days.
i think that the black and white photographic image as a background which could bring the red text behind a white blank space a stand out effect.

2nd image :
The style of this image are also the agitprop, the black and white photography, but this time with black text on a white background.
according to (Lilth Gallery, n.d.)

"Much of her text questions the viewer about feminism, classicism, consumerism, and individual autonomy and desire" ( her style, para.1 )

which shows this art work is not just the component of social, but also with humans desire towards expensive garments; i think she also wanted to present this work to the others and show life is not just full of money and luxurious garments, but other things in life which are far moreh exciting and wonderful.

2. What are some of the concepts and messages that Kruger is communicating in them?

She is trying to express the humans desire towards wealth, and the way how wealth people think towards shopping. also she is trying to say luxurious garment is only a clothing, it does not have the power to make someone rich or beautiful.

3. Do these images communicate these ideas effectively? Explain your answer.

the way she uses the pronouns, " I " "you", these words are really strong towards viewers when they look at the images. these will automatically catches the viewers attention. with the bold lettering in the images, it also enhances the image's simplicity and clarity towards viewers. The words "Face it", really have a strong power which gives the image a much more powerful effects to the views, which shows a straight forward message to viewers about not to crave for wealth only.

4. Define the concept of Mercantilism and explain how these two examples can connect with the concept.
Mercantilism is a political and economic system that showed up in the 17th and 18th centuries, the concept of this idea is that in order to remain economically and politically viable a country must export more than it imports, with such ways, the country will be able to increase its economical state.
With these 2 pictures, I think that they do connect with the concept of mercantilism; this is because in my point of view, the image shows people are willing to spend their money into expensive clothing or other shopping, this reminds me back to the concept of mercantilism where to export more than it imports. so therefore, the more people spend on luxurious garments, the more better the country's economical state will get.

5. Upload a more recent example of Kruger's work where she has used a new medium, that is not graphic design. Title your image of the chosen work and comment on your response to the work.

How do you think the audience would experience this work?

we don't need another hero
Barbara Kruger
(We don't need another hero)
90" by 117"
photographic silkscreen/vinyl

This art work done by Barbara shows a lady pointing her finger towards the boys muscles, this implies very well along with the text " We Don't Need Another Hero " highlighted with the red block as background with the red strips boarder; I think that this picture shows the two of them are in one family, the kid will protect his mum with all his strength which he will take the responsibility to become the person who will be in charge.

(Lilith Gallery, n.d.) Retrieved March 12, 2011

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